KunstRaum H&H - Contemporary Art
Zeitgenössische Kunst * Köln
Contemporary Art * Cologne

ARCHIVE 2009-2010

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger

EXHIBITION - KunstRaum H&H presents their artists
Review by Jürgen Kisters (Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, August 7/8, 2010)

Jürgen Kisters wrote a review about the group show "Silly Season 2010" at KunstRaum H&H for the newspaper Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger

Foto: Michael Bause
Image: Michael Bause

Read Review
(Translation by KunstRaum H&H)

La chose presents: "Brandenburg"
with: Lola Göller, Constantin Hartenstein, Anders Hellsten Nissen, Sophia Pompéry, Betti Scholz

Anders Hellsten Nissen, untitled, 2007

Opening: August 14, 2010, 4 pm till August 15, 2010, 1-6 pm
Location: Galerie Null (Projectroom Liebmann) and Exhibition Workshop within the Uferhallen
Uferstrasse 8-11, 13357 Berlin
KSTA KulturSonntag 2010
KSTA-KulturSonntag 2010 * Culture Sunday 2010

Art Exhibition "Satirical Drawings"
On Sunday, May 30, 2010 KunstRaum H&H presents between 1 and 7 pm in the context of the Culture Sunday 2010 (organized by the newspaper Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger) as a PREVIEW works (Drawings and Gouches) by FELIX GEPHART .

The official show opening at KunstRaum H&H is on Thursday, June 3, 2010.
The artist will be present. It is his first Solo Show in Cologne.
Location: KunstRaum H&H, Buttermarkt 17/19 * Info: 0221-58980681
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger

"Kunstraum zwischen Kneipe und Trödel"
"Artspace between Pub and Jumble"

Jürgen Kisters wrote a review about the gallery KunstRaum H&H on April, 14, 2010 for the newspaper Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger

Foto: Michael Bause
Image: Michael Bause
Open Article
(only in German)

(PDF File)
galerie auf zeit - räume für kunst
neue Straße 23 / 38700 braunschweig
[former book store graff]

group show "dekaden-jubiläums-retrospektive"
04/12/2010 - 04/30/2010
opening reception sunday 04/11/2010 6 pm
knud balandis, estelle belz, pedda borowski, matthias brant, angela camara correra, yingmei duan, lars eckert, norbert eisbrenner, katy feuersenger, susanne fleischhacker, petra förster, peter nikolaus heikenwälder, anna kolod, anne köhn, manfred kracht, klaus küster, odine lang, tina lucht, svenja maaß , alfred olbrisch, hagen rehborn, anton soloveychik, ulrike stoltz, harald zimmer, günther zins

Hagen Rehborn

Opening Hours:
wed - fri 3 - 6 pm * sat 1 - 3 pm
Charles Glaubitz "Sigil de Crystal"
Exibition at Upperplayground, Mexico City, Mexico
Opening reception: March 4, 2010

Sigil De Crystal MrGlaubitz

LA CHOSE presents:
Alien Tourists - part 1, 2, 3

alien tourists, part 1, 2, 3

With works by: Shannon Finley, Idetsuki, Theo Ligthart, Alex Neuschäfer, Sophia Pompéry, Julien Rouvroy, Betti Scholz

Exhibition days: 16.2., 17.2., 18. 2. 2010 / 8 PM till midnight
Location: Forgotten Bar, Boppstraße 5, 10967 Berlin
Every evening a new exhibition.

KunstRaum H&H participated again at the 14. and 15. Kölner Krippenweg.
14. & 15. Kölner Krippenweg
November 23, 2009 till January 6, 2010
November 22, 2010 till January 6, 2011

Krippenweg2009Th (64K)
2010 Station 27 / 2011 Station 29

ArtFair21 2009 Cologne

KunstRaum H&H at ART.FAIR21 in Cologne at Booth A15.
From October 29 till November 1, 2009.
Works by the following artists were presented: John Dillemuth, Daniel Ruanova, Ricardo Sanders.


LA CHOSE presents 23 artists at Stadtbad Wedding, Berlin.
Opening: Friday, October 23, 2009 starting at 9 pm
Duration and Place: till October 27, 2009 - 12 to 8 pm * Gerichtstr. 65, Berlin
Betti Scholz is one of the participating artists in the group show SPIRITS.

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